Foiling Holiday Cash-Back Scams

How can a candy bar purchase cost a retailer hundreds? It could be happening in your stores right now if you offer cash back with a debit card purchase. A particular cash-back scam crops up this time of year as the holiday shopping frenzy kicks into high gear. It...

Do Mobile Wallets Cause More Risk?

Technological advancements are usually regarded as triumphs that make our everyday lives easier. Whether it’s being able to order a pizza for your hungry family with the click of a button or setting your home thermostat remotely to save energy and money while away,...

Cracking the Holiday Cash-Back Scam with Analytics

How does a soft drink purchase cost a retailer hundreds? It could be happening in your stores right now if you offer cash back with a debit card purchase. We are seeing a particular cash-back scam circulate, and it is something that crops up this time of year as the...

Risks Caused by Seasonal Workers

A retailer’s success during peak shopping seasons depends on hiring temporary workers. The seasonal work attracts many types, including college students, retirees, individuals who have been out of the workforce, and even full-time workers looking for some extra money....

What Kinds of Employee Fraud Does AI Catch?

Employee theft and fraud in the retail industry has been well-documented for decades. The most recent National Retail Security Survey (NRSS) from the National Retail Federation places the 2018 cost employee fraud at $1,203.16 on average with a median of $700. ...