
Discover how fraudulent claims and appeasements impact retailer profitability and customer satisfaction in this retail research report from Appriss Retail, focusing on retail trends and solutions in the retail claims and appeasements sector.

2024 Claims and Appeasements Report

Uncover the financial impact of claims and appeasements fraud on retailers. Discover detection challenges, deceptive tactics, and why effective fraud management is essential for your bottom line. Read More

Discover findings about consumer returns in the retail industry in 2023. Find out how retailers are tackling retail returns in this retail report.

2023 Consumer Returns in the Retail Industry Report

This annual report, published by NRF and Appriss Retail, offers valuable insights into the overall state of returns in a range of retail categories. Read More

The 2023 National Retail Security Survey report in partnership with Appriss Retail and the National Retail Federation is a retail security report that offers essential insights into the state of retail crime, focusing on theft, including organized retail crime (ORC), and explores retailers' loss prevention and asset protection strategies. Discover the causes of shrinkage in retail and learn how you can protect your profits.

National Retail Security Survey Report

The 2023 National Retail Security Survey report offers essential insights into the state of retail crime, focusing on theft, including organized retail crime (ORC), and explores retailers' loss prevention and asset protection strategies. Read More

research report cover 2022 State of the Industry: Returns as an Engagement Strategy report

2022 State of the Industry: Returns as an Engagement Strategy

Learn how your company’s returns strategy compares to the cross-section of retailers surveyed in this latest study from Incisiv. Read More